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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Connections through time

Communication.........I think that’s why I enjoy reading so much…and why I like to paint the figure reading.   I think of it almost as a sacred meditation connecting to the long linkage of the essence of individual souls.   There’s the capacity for raw honesty in writing and the possibility of true intimacy.  We can be that other person or at the least know what that person is feeling and thinking.  It's a door into another’s soul present and past,  alive and dead.   Not only are we  allowed to say things in books and writing that  we could never express privately or publicly but we are also available to hear secret things that one cannot say.  There was a movie about CS Lewis...I forget the title.  Sir Anthony Hopkins I think was CS Lewis.  And he said something to the effect of "I read so I'm not alone."
If I painted a solitary figure not absorbed in an event one could say she looked lonely but I dare say that all my figures though they are solitary do not look lonely.


Susan Roux said...

No they never look lonely. They are all so captivating and comfortably dappled in sunlight.

I really love your work. I'm going to need to blog about you so others can find you. Its a shame to have such a small audience. Do you reach out and go follow others? It helps bring viewers to you and the interaction that results is amazing! Let me know if you need help doing this.

Oy Vey said...

I love that Sally. I agree - reading and writing are a profound connection, and with them we are not lonely but exist together in that sacred place. Sounds hokey but I think it's very true.


Roxanne Steed said...

This painting is beautiful! and I'm still enjoying your writing as well!